Our Protective coloring and varnishing unit is a complete technological whole. The process of dyeing is performed in three dye works locations equiped so that the protection of very different products may be applied. At one of the locations there is a line for the protection of heavy and light objects.

The objects may weight from 0.5 kg to 270 kg. Working profile of the entry and the exit of the dryer is 1.0 X 1.7 m. Maximal temperature of the dryer is 210 ºC.

The protection procedures are carried out in accordance with international standards. Dyes that are applied come in a wide range of shades and quality: alkyd, epoxy, polyurethane and thermo hardening colors, all with the aim of achieving better quality and longer life of the device.

The combination of different systems of colors, with thicknesses up to 300 µm, can meet the requirements of the most difficult operating conditions. Confirmation of that are hydraulic devices of larger dimensions (cylinders, aggregates) for the foreign market.